May 05, 2008

so gud for my ears

I kind of feel like music, right now, is awesome. Good bands all around, MTV doesn't own the youths mind anymore [well, for some fucktards].

I need a new tattoo. I'm getting this:

Can't wait maaannn.


New NINE INCH NAILS is awesome. Listen to it for free.

Free music is cool.

February 09, 2008

no one is there for me to call. no one to talk to. no one to rely on.

this is getting boring.

January 12, 2008

A year in review

Let's take a stroll down 2007 in pictures:

Jennifer is awesome

Much much Taaka was consumer

I realized I'm not that bad at bowling

Bought some awesome boots and peed with Hana

Saw Bjork in San Fran and chilled in Santa Cruz the next day

This guy is amazing

I rode with Tiffany for her first LA subway trip!

Lost a friend

Smoked many blunts here

Tokyo with Andrew was amazing

Sun filled nights

More blunts were smoked in here as well


Band of the year

Met some cool peeps

Ladytron was amazing

Another fun filled night

Tried shrooms for the first time

Became an uncle

Dressed up for halloween for the first time in like 12 years

Started this habit

And last, but definaely not least, lost a really good friend. I miss her so much and I wish she could still be here to fill everyone up with her humour and kindness. One love.